Thursday 18 March 2021

 tears, pressure building

i hate the word, triggered, but

my heart is wounded.

So I'm sitting at my desk, in a meeting.  My heart is pounding, my face is flushed.  I'm a fucking hot mess after a bad meeting this morning.  We took a burnout test and my results were "severely at risk of burnout - do something now".  



So here I am, chest pains.  Faking it.  Knowing I need to deal with my stress and handle this feeling of burnout, but no clue how.  I don't want to exercise or cook more meals or take longer walks.  What I want is for people to see what i'm being asked to do and stop asking me for more.  I want someone else to maybe catheterize my husband twice a day and let me take a few days off.  I need to stop feeling like I'm drowning.  I want to stop having to ASK people to do their jobs.  I want to stop having my ass handed to me when I make an assumption because I'm too fucking tired to chase people who are making 70 grand a year.

I need a break.

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