Thursday 11 February 2021

 his temper tantrum

empowers karma to teach

while i sip my tea

Last night, he watched the game.  During the game I caught up on emails, washed and dried dishes, did laundry, made my bed, put the dogs out, and laid out his clothes for this morning.  I was tired, as the clock pushed ten o'clock, and I used the lift to get him into bed, and then catheterized him, and shut off the light.  All that was left was for me to put on my pajamas and brush my teeth.

And then he remembered a report he didn't send and wanted me to bring him his computer, his glasses, and his phone.  All in different spots.  And I pushed back.  It was ten, I was tired, and he was in bed.  Angry.  Demanded.  Pleaded - there was an audit, he had to do the report.  I was ticked, and tired, and got his stuff but was rude about it.  Clearly unimpressed, and tired of always having to do something for someone else and not being able to just go to bed when I'm tired.

He was furious that I pushed back and was frustrated with him.  He got so angry that he threw his work laptop and broke it.  Threw his phone, and threw his glasses.  I picked up the glasses, and told him to stop throwing shit I bought, or he'd get Hakim glasses next time.   

I get it is frustrating to have to ask.  But it's just as frustrating to be with a five year old that can't hear no.  I'm sorry your stupid report didn't get done during the nine hours you sat in your office, but that doesn't make it my issue.  And throwing your laptop didn't get it done, either.  I should have just gone to bed.

This morning, he gets to call and see about getting a new laptop.  He mentioned he'd have to go to Ajax.  I didn't say so, but I hope he knows that's a wheeltrans thing.  

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