Monday, 15 June 2020

morning sun over grass
streams of new light bringing warmth
a day begins here

Good morning. I always mean to sit and write, but then I do not.  I plop myself down but then check facebook and gmail and twitter and next thing I know it's too late to blog.  Or I'm not as restless or annoyed or whatever it was that prompted me in the first place.

This morning, though, I'm here at 6:30.  I've been up 45 minutes - and will be back in bed shortly.  I hate 6 a.m. PSW arrival days.  I don't know how I'll ever go back to waking at 5 to be in the office at 7 - if I ever go back to work.

I'm exhausted, though, for different reasons.  In the last two weeks my well pump has died, I've had car problems, and I've been scammed by a chinese company.  My husband has fallen almost every day, not accepting his limitations.  I'm not sleeping well, worried about life and Bob and everything else.  After attending the BLM protests I realized how many of my friends and famly were low-to-high key racist.  My work is a bit chaotic with people coming and going and things changing. 

I need to have some time off, by myself, to rest and restore.

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