Monday, 27 January 2020

sitting alone, I
remember this solitude
is good for my soul

It's been a brutal week and I'm still recovering.   Bob's on a new med for his depression - we changed it to remove some side effects of the original one and to get some benefit from this med's side effects.  He's now taking a medication at bedtime that has a side effect of tiredness - as he was having some difficulty sleeping.

And is my luck - it works.  It worked to the point where Bob is now not waking up to pee - and I'm changing the bed and doing laundry fairly steadily.  He's also groggy in the morning with difficulty enunciating, and a bit grumpy until at least mid-morning.

Help with sleeping is okay - knocking him out cold each and every night to the point where he is unaware he's peeing the bed and can't talk in the morning - not so great.  

I'm headed out for a walk, soon.  I'm a bit overwhelmed by life, still, and feel better outdoors.

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