Wednesday, 15 January 2020

i wish i could sleep
fading in and out of dreams
my spirit at rest

Skidding towards excellence.  My theme as I hurl towards 50.  

First step:  nutrition and hydration.    

Last June, right after getting my immunization for my Kenya trip, I became violently ill at work.  Sparing the details, I will tell you that I was vomiting and that the last meal I had had before that was a breakfast shake.  Post-illness, I could not make myself a shake without my mouth souring - and I went back to bagels or toast or other alternatives.  This led to me starting to not eat right again - carbs for breakfast are not particular filling, leading to more eating during the day, or unwise choices, *yadda yadda yadda* and here we are.

Called a nutritionist through my EAP - and even before speaking to her, through the endless forms and documents one fills out, I realized I needed to start doing a few things:
  • Hydrate.  Minimum 1.5 litres a day, goal 2 litres a day.  Found a stainless steel, strawed, attractive metal cup - 2 full is just under 1.5, and 3 full is just over 2.  Perfect.  I also resumed my practice of no coffee or breakfast until I had drank at least 24 ounces of water.  
  • Document.  For whatever reason, I choose better foods to eat when I'm documenting it.
  • Protein Shakes.  Breakfast of champions - almond milk, spinach, 1/2 banana, small spoon of peanut butter, and a half spoon of Vega protein and green.  Under 300 calories, tastes good, and keeps me full.
  • Vegetarian options.  Both for the environment and for me - a further reduction in meat.  Including one or two meat-free nights a week.
  • Eating in.  My husband hates this. He loves eating out.  It's his favourite.  So this means work for me, because I have to be offering more than your typical casserole to hold his attention away from whatever restaurant he's currently interested in.

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