Friday, 22 November 2019

we danced, he and I
music that left us too soon
memories remain

Is it possible to be attracted to someone because of the way they deal cards?

Weird question, right?

Obviously, it's not all about the deal - it's a perception of confidence, sociability, and something more interesting underneath the surface.  It was a strange moment, I'll give you that, when I noticed.  Initially I shrugged it off, as a noticing, and forgot about it. Until I saw him deal again and had the same thought and wondered, "is this weird?"

And then a really strange interaction with another player that I've yet to fully process - but it goes something like this:

  1. Person sees me with my disabled husband - he's bundled up and I'm pushing his wheelchair and they initially feel sorry for me, or him, and assumptions are made
  2. Person meets and interacts with my husband and realizes that he's pretty freaking fantastic and just not "some rando in a wheelchair that she's taking care of"
  3. Person tells me about meeting my husband in some sort of daze - like post-first-date-puppy-love, like they need to tell me they get it
  4. Person unintentionally preens and measures up against my husband
So strange.   I once had a similar reaction to disabled people - when we started with wheelchair basketball I was shocked that the players were assholes and said mean things to one another - I had thought all disabled people were fragile and nice and .. not human?

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