Sunday, 15 April 2018

my dog is barking
i imagine killing her

It's been a boring weekend.  I tried to shovel, but with layers of ice upon layers of ice, I just wasn't strong enough.  We haven't lost power, just our minds - as we sit here and consume television and movies at a rate that is uncommon for us.  I tried to read but I'm nearly stir crazy.

Most Sundays find me moping about the house, wishing I had another day off.  This week, Sunday finds me checking the weather incessently, hoping for rain to wash away the ice so that I can go to work in the morning. While I'm rested and relaxed, I'm bored nearly out of my mind.

Our church sent out an email this morning.  And while almost every other church in the city cancelled services due to the weather, ours noted how diligent the worship team was for showing up and implored us to use caution as we drove in.  I don't see how disobeying a police directive to stay off the roads is "diligent", especially when I would class it as "stupidity". 

It seems I'm always sort of out of step with those who share my faith.

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